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your child's future.

You can reclaim your child’s future with Waterbrooks Homeschool.

Waterbrooks Institute works with parents who want a better education for their children to Homeschool with confidence through Training, Coaching, Curriculum and Administration Assistance.

- Diagnostic Testing             

- Academic Excellence        

- Traditional Family Values 

- Grade Levels K-12               

- Individualized, Mastery-based Learning

- Phonetic-Based Reading

- Character Development

- Integrated Bible Principles

Image by Ravi Roshan


Waterbrooks Institute was founded to help parents guide the education of their children at home with confidence.

Core Values

Christian worldview, primacy of the family, academic excellence, traditional values, and more. The Holy Scripture is our foundation.

Image by Sean Stratton


The year 2020 marked the 400th anniversary of the Pilgrims landing at Plymouth Rock. The picture below is of a portion of the National Monument of the Forefathers, commissioned in 1820 to commemorate the guiding principles of our Pilgrim Forefathers. Carved in granite, this lady's name is "Education." While personally seeing education in the context of the entire monument, it is clear that the lady is a learner, not a teacher. The knowledge is in the books, not the teacher. This explains why a library of more than 400 books were on the Mayflower with the 102 Pilgrims when it landed at Plymouth in the winter of 1620.


Motivations for home schooling are as individual and unique as your child:

• Can my child get a better education?

• My child is a quick learner and is bored at school.

• My child is struggling in some subjects and is behind.

• Bullying has gotten out of hand.

• What ever happened to traditional values?

• In a country founded for religious liberty, how is it that the Christian faith

is restricted at school?


Concerns about home schooling are usually centered in the parent's mind:

• How can I teach subjects that I do not know well?

• I am not sure where to start, or what a day of home learning would look like? Is there any validity to the “socialization” and “real world” arguments against home learning?


Beginning the home learning journey does feel a little like the Pilgrims may have felt as they boarded the Mayflower; hopeful but apprehensive. But history has proven so much good has resulted from their brave action. The Pilgrims did not journey alone. You do not have to journey alone either, as you partner with Waterbrooks Institute to, “Reclaim your child’s future.”



I need to homeschool my child, NOW!


Now is the time to, “Reclaim Your Child’s Future.” There is no need to wait for some calendar cycle. Your child can begin an exceptional education journey under your direction, NOW.


Whether you need to, “Quick Start”“Jump Start” or “Restart” your homeschool, Waterbrooks Institute can help get your homeschool off to a great start.


In quick succession, Waterbrooks Institute can help you with:


  • Diagnostic testing of each child to determine their performance level in core subjects.

  • Home educator training to equip you to confidently guide your child through all subject materials.

  • Curriculum ordering and records management.

  • Availability for coaching / mentoring, or just answering a quick question.

  • Recognition and celebration of your child’s achievement.


Complete the short form on the Admissions page to begin homeschooling now.

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